Luke = 6 AND 7 months

This blog = neglected. Ha. Super, super, super late again with Luke's monthly posts.  There is SO much going on I want to write about, I have a huge list of post ideas in a notebook on our desk.  But for now, I'm doing Luke’s six and seven month posts on the same day. His eight and nine months will be coming soon. No judging.  I’ll show you my school schedule and then you will all know why this blog has been ignored. Six Months

Weight:  19 lbs, 12 ounces.  74th percentile.
Length:  29.5 inches.  They didn’t give me a percentile this time, so I went and found the pediatric percentile charts online.  Now I know why they say he’s off the charts.  His length is literally not on the chart for his age.
Clothes Size:  Mostly 12 months!  Still squeezing him into some 9 month jammies but that will end soon.

Special Skills:  Starting to be able to sit alone, but def has to be supervised since he still topples over when he leans too far to one side, totally interacting with Dexter, reaching for him, petting him, playing with him, reaching for Dave and I, rocking eating solids…just veggies and puffs so far, getting spoiled his first Christmas, LOVING his jumpy (have no idea what the real name for it is…but it’s his toy he can jump in), moving to size 3 diapers, sleeping in his crib!! (finally made the transition, no idea why I was so nervous about it, he slept great right away), rolling like crazy, moving himself in a circle to get to things, scooting backwards and being adorable in his 6 month pictures!!

Must Have Products:  jumpy, colorful blocks and the lid for the container they are in, pop up books (so he can try and rip out the things that pop), animal hats, still jingle ball, stuffed monkey   

Kara/Mom's State of Mind:  Had a pretty great holiday season!  Dave and I both had the flu, and gave it to both of our families which spiced things up a bit.  Luke was spoiled rotten and got tons of great new toys.  I’m loving nursing school so far and just trying to figure out how to manage everything while missing Dave!  He’s been gone most of the month for work.  Luke misses him too!

Dave/Dad's State of Mind:  Love watching Luke grow into a little man!!  Watching him smile and laugh as he jumps in his jumpy is one of my favorite things ever.  Missing the family as I do my first major project in Shakopee, Minnesota.

Seven Months!

Weight:  I would guess at least 20.5 lbs.
Length:  Probably still close to 29.5 inches. 
Clothes Size:  Still a few 9 months, a few 12 and some 18 months

Special Skills:  Sitting great, still not totally balanced, getting up on his knees and rocking back and forth, starting to move one hand forward - but then he comes crashing down, sticking his booty up in the air like he’s doing a mountain climber, still rolling and spinning around like crazy to get to what he wants, eating fruits, veggies, oatmeal, rice and protein!  His faves are peas and carrots and pears, getting great at putting puffs in his mouth, still loving to jump, napping less during the day, we’re down to one 1 hour nap and 1 two hour nap, skyping with daddy, teething (let’s talk about how fun that is), and rolling around in his crib after naps, checking out his first big snow!

Must Have Products:  jumpy, colorful blocks and the lid for the container they are in, baby laptop, colorful stacking bowls, SOPHIE, large bibs, BABY MOTRIN    

Kara/Mom's State of Mind:  Having so much fun with Luke.  Slightly overwhelmed with school, house and family stuff.  Still trying to figure out how to manage it all and be good at everything!  Looking for daycare for Luke when my clinicals start next month…I think it will be good for him, he needs to share attention for sure!  Ready for Dave to stop traveling! J

Dave/Dad's State of Mind:  Over the travelling!! Can't wait to see Luke crawl for the first time.  I think he's so close.  So thankful for the wonderful job Kara is doing while I am away - she is an absolute rockstar.  Blessed and thankful for support of family and friends. 

(Note:  Back-posted to the time Luke was 6-7 months.  Posted on 4/20/2013)


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