Halloween 2017

Halloween - This year was our first year to have Halloween in our new neighborhood, which was bitter sweet, we missed our old tradition of dinner at one of our Caribou Drive neighbors (or a street picnic like last year) followed by a huge trail of kids running through the houses together! However, this year proved to be great as well.

The Enclave has a Halloween tradition of a parade from the intersection right by our house, down the middle street of the neighborhood - led by a neighbor in a fat Elvis costume, to the end of the road where they take an all neighborhood picture and count down on a megaphone from 10 for the kids to run off trick or treating. It was the best time!

Luke was dressed up as Captain America and ran around with our neighbor Lucas, Dave and Bob and Francesca (Lucas’ parents) to all of the houses, while Eli hung back with me. He was a blue power ranger and just happy to take his sweet time, as per usual. We made it to about half the houses the other boys did, but had a great time anyways! We saw friends from the neighborhood and school and really had a great time! We went through an impressive amount of candy both handing it out and eating it and enjoyed the warm cider some of our sweet neighbors were passing out. It was so festive and a great addition to the fall! We’re looking forward to next year!


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