9 Months!
Wow how little guy has changed over the past few months. This blog is technically a few days early, but it's been so long since we've written, I didn't want to wait any longer.
In the last two months (since his 7 month birthday) , Luke has went from a happy, stationary, baby to a crawling, writhing, pulling up little dude. It seems like we simply blinked our eyes and he is completely mobile, investigating everything he sees and completely ignoring all of our requests to stop pulling on cords, take that rock out of his mouth, and not throw that food on the floor. It's an amazing developmental stage and we have loved watching him learn. He has been mobile for a while now, but he has recently really started to like crawling. It's as if he's finally realized that if he isn't where he wants to be, he has the ability to propel himself to a new place. Amazing!
However, the best and most exciting part of the little guy's recent development is how much his personality has come out. He smiles all the time - he loves seeing family and people he knows, and you can even see him checking out a new person to decide whether or not he will decide to be cute and outgoing or shy and duck his head into mommy's shoulder.
He has been going to daycare for a while...it was a bit rough at the beginning as he got used to teh first real environment that he spent any time in that was not either our house or a grandparents. His care-giver, Nicole, does a great job making him feel welcome and playing with him, and the other kids at the day care always say "Good Morning Luke!!" and "Good Bye Luke!!". Within the past few weeks, he has really started getting more comfortable there, and doesn't cry or fuss at all when we leave him there.
I love this kid so much. He is going to be such a cheeseball. I love watching him doing goofy things and make himself laugh hysterically. (not sure where he gets that.... :) )
Sorry for the short post. With a mobile kid, Kara's full time school, and me travelling, it seems like we don't have time for anything!!
Until next time!
In the last two months (since his 7 month birthday) , Luke has went from a happy, stationary, baby to a crawling, writhing, pulling up little dude. It seems like we simply blinked our eyes and he is completely mobile, investigating everything he sees and completely ignoring all of our requests to stop pulling on cords, take that rock out of his mouth, and not throw that food on the floor. It's an amazing developmental stage and we have loved watching him learn. He has been mobile for a while now, but he has recently really started to like crawling. It's as if he's finally realized that if he isn't where he wants to be, he has the ability to propel himself to a new place. Amazing!
However, the best and most exciting part of the little guy's recent development is how much his personality has come out. He smiles all the time - he loves seeing family and people he knows, and you can even see him checking out a new person to decide whether or not he will decide to be cute and outgoing or shy and duck his head into mommy's shoulder.
He has been going to daycare for a while...it was a bit rough at the beginning as he got used to teh first real environment that he spent any time in that was not either our house or a grandparents. His care-giver, Nicole, does a great job making him feel welcome and playing with him, and the other kids at the day care always say "Good Morning Luke!!" and "Good Bye Luke!!". Within the past few weeks, he has really started getting more comfortable there, and doesn't cry or fuss at all when we leave him there.
I love this kid so much. He is going to be such a cheeseball. I love watching him doing goofy things and make himself laugh hysterically. (not sure where he gets that.... :) )
Sorry for the short post. With a mobile kid, Kara's full time school, and me travelling, it seems like we don't have time for anything!!
Until next time!
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