Sydney = 1 month
Sydney girl - what a month we have had! We headed home from the hospital with Sydney on time, on Monday, April 23 which was a first for us! Both boys had to stay longer for various reasons so this was a treat. All of her labs, screens, etc. checked out just fine, but by the time we saw our pediatrician on Wednesday - we all (Dave, Dr. Pedersen and I) all agreed Sydney looked a little bit jaundiced.
We decided it would be best to get a bili level checked on Thursday morning, which likely would have been her peak level. When we left Women's on Monday, her bili level had been 7.5. The lab result came back from Sydney's draw at 21. Dr. Pedersen called with the news that we would have to be admitted to Peyton Manning Children's Hospital for Sydney to be placed under the lights to bring that level down. The docs and nurses were all amazing and after a short less than 24 hour stay, we were headed back home with her bili level at 15. We had to keep her on the bili blanket at home for about 9 days and get her blood level drawn every 2 days. Her level crept down slowly, but finally we were able to rid ourselves of the blanket and frequent blood draws!
At 1 month, Sydney is 10 lbs 1 oz and 23 inches long. She is consistently going to bed around 8 or 9 pm and waking at 2/3 am and then 6/7 am. Which doesn't sound too bad, but I'll be honest, I completely forgot/underestimated the pure exhaustion of having a newborn. We are in a definite newborn haze - impatient, tired, struggling to get the boys good quality attention and just overall surviving. Even so, the boys LOVE their new sister and are the cutest with her. Nobody loves baby Sydney more than Eli. He calls her a ball, says "all she eats is milk mommy", "ahhh Sydney girl, she's my best girl", "my sister is finally borned". He wanted to show her off to all of his teachers and friends the first week at school - it was very precious. He also shared his softies with her, which we all know is a big deal. Luke loves her as well but is slightly more reserved. He likes to say "Sydney, Sydney, Sydney, my wittle sister".
Girlfriend is a great nurser, nurses ALL evening long, loves to be outside, tolerates tummy time, and raises her head on her own spontaneously. This month she met all grandparents, all her aunts and uncles, including Megan and Ian, had her first hibachi experience, went to soccer games and swim lessons, farmer's market and Lion's Park, had her first real bath, started bottles and fought morning naps. Dave and I were able to sneak out for a wedding and an anniversary dinner both of which were a blur - see newborn haze, but a great time to spend together.
Overall, we are adjusting pretty well to our new girl, and so happy to have her in our family. It makes me smile to see all 3 of these kiddos together - in the infinite blessings God has given us.
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