Ready or Not....

We're well into week 37.  It's "ready or not, he's coming" time.  Logistically, we are completely ready.  The nursery room is completed.  We've acquired or bought all of the stuff we need to have a newborn in the house (and in the car, and on the plane, and in public, and....).  We've made a list of things we need to do around the house, and then made lists as to how we are going to accomplish those things.  We have child care figured out, we have insurance figured out, we have pediatrician and immunization decisions figured out, we even have our bags packed for the hospital.  (Bless my wife for being a crazy planner like I am...) The only thing we DON'T a baby!

We are both hardcore fighting patience issues right now.  Here's the bottom line.  For a lot of this pregnancy, I was really apprehensive and nervous about being a father.  I just didn't know that I was prepared.  However, I have learned so much in the last 6 months, and, through Kara and others, have gained confidence in myself.  Here's the bottom line - I can't WAIT to be a father.  I just can't wait to hold him and have him become a part of our family.

I thought that weeks 30-36 went really fast, but for the past few weeks, we have just started to get so excited, and Kara has gotten more and more uncomfortable, and we are just so ready.  So, come on little guy.  Come on out.  I promise that we will make the outside world just as comfortable as Kara's stomach!!


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