Six Months.

My dear sweet Luke,

You are six months old today and I can and can't believe it all at the same time.  You are growing and changing so quickly, I feel like I want to write everything down so that I will never forget some of the sweet, sweet things you are doing now.  Like how you open and close your fist really fast when you are feeling something new, or your open mouth sloppy cheek kisses, or how much you love to jump, and the excited look you get on your face when you realize we're headed that way.

I never want to forget your sweet smiles up at me when you're eating, or the way your little giggle sounds.  How you have learned how to work every toy on your jumper and Baby Einstein. And how proud I am of you every I see you do something new, like move the little discs back and forth, or spin yourself around.

I love the way your eyes light up when Dexter comes around, and how you reach out to pet him when he's close enough.  When I'm not in the room, he is always by you, making sure you're ok.  I love how happy you are in the mornings when I come to get you up, and sing my good morning song to you.  And the way you kick your little feet in your bathtub, you love to make the water splash.  I love how we snuggle and read (I read, you eat) books everyday, especially tonight on the couch.  You were so patient, and happy and enthralled with all of the words and pictures.

You have brought so, so, so much joy to my life Little Mister.  I am so lucky to get to spend every day with you.  We have a good time, me and you, and I know I will always treasure this time in my life, the quiet days at home, and days spent running errands, and everything in between.  You are my sweet little companion and I so much love watching you grow and learn.  I cannot wait to see how much more you change in the next 6 months.  But I won't lie, I already miss this time, before it's even gone.  We've got a good thing going my little friend, and I am so glad God chose you to be my little boy.

I love you,



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