After talking about it, planning it, and then pushing it off for
years, Kara and I finally made a trip east to visit Joe in college, and hit the
big N.Y.C.
We flew up to
Newark on Thursday morning and spent the day relaxing in our hotel in
Bethlehem, PA. Thurs night we took a tour of the DeSales campus, had
dinner, and hung out with Joe and his roommates. We had a blast - the
campus reminded us of two little schools in Indiana that were home to Kara and
I for 4 years, and even more than that, we were reminded what it was like to
live in a house surrounded by all your friends all the time.
Great memories, and a great time at DeSales. I specifically enjoyed the video we watched that was created by DeSales students. I don't exactly remember the plot, but I do know that there was an excellent portrayal of the Devil, some incredible dialog, and a very realistic doll that was meant to look like a baby. It's a bit fuzzy, but I remember it being really just top notch.
After a 5am taxi ride, some delicious Wawa sandwiches, and a MAJOR recovery session from that night the next morning, we headed down to Philadelphia for the day/night
to do some exploring and meet up with two of Kara's friends that she met while
"studying" abroad in Spain. We checked into the hotel and went exploring in Philly a bit, before grabbing dinner at a baller mexican restraunt (El Vez) and then meeting up with Kara's friends.
Liberty Bell - very cool to see! |
After dinner included some beers at the oldest bar in Philadelphia (McGillens), and then some really well executed solo dance moves at Tavern on Broad. Thanks so much to Goody, Chick and Perry, and Sam Adams (best name ever) for coming out to spend the evening!
Capital Building in Philadelphia |
Finally, we headed off to NYC. We spent two days there finding a perfect combination of enjoying the hustle and bustle, seeing the sights and the lights, and relaxing in our hotel room with a glass of wine watching dodgy Dateline Episodes (How I've missed you Chris Hansen). We ate amazing sushi, authentic Italian food, and ate maybe the best cheesecake I've ever tasted.
It was one of the most memorable trips I've ever taken. Here
are some of the awesome things we did while in NYC, bullet point style. J
Statue of Liberty |
Ellis Island (we think...) |
North Pool of the 9/11 Memorial.....on the former spot of World Trade Center Building 2. Very powerful stuff. |
Survivor Tree - the only tree left living after the towers collapsed.
It was restored and replanted. |
New York Stock Exchange |
Welcome to Times Square!!! |
Empire State Building. I had to remind Kara that Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks would not be on the roof. |
Radio City Music Hall - advertising a Coheed and Cambria concert the next week. Dang it! |
Rockefeller Center |
Ice Skating! We considered giving it a try, but my ankles would have both probably exploded. |
Standing in the TKTS line for Broadway Musical tickets. Ended up getting third row
seats to Newsies for 30% off! Totally worth it. |
Dream come true. Seeing a Broadway Musical in New York City. The show was amazing! |
Last night in Times Square! We had such a great time! What an experience. |
This trip was such a great experience for Kara and I. Thanks so much to our parents for helping watch Luke while we were gone, thanks to Southwest, Enterprise, and Hilton for all the rewards, and thanks to my beautiful wife for spending the week talking, laughing, and experiencing life with me.
And now, back home to see our little guy!!
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