Diggers!!! Luke - 22 months
It's May in Indianapolis, which means most everyone is thinking about "The 500". Whether you are thinking "I wish I was at the track right now!" or "I hate May because the race traffic is terrible!", chances are it has crossed your mind. I personally love everything about the race, but that's another story.
As we inch closer and closer to this year's 500, Luke is also inching closer and closer to his second birthday. At the ripe old age of 22 months, he is a running, talking, giggling, lovable little dude. Every single day I thank God for the gift that he gave us in this sweet little boy. The past few months have seen him get a bit more independent, running into daycare at church, and wanting to do things by himself. "Lukie, SELF!" Below are some notes about the things he loves now, as well as a whole roll of pictures from this spring. Enjoy!
The biggest development recently is that his speech has absolutely blown up - he repeats almost everything you say. More impressively, he strings together words to form phrases or nearly full sentences. In the past couple days, he's said things like "Daddy, more big diggers!" and "One more story first. Then night night." He remembers things (like today I couldn't find one of his books and he said "Down Stairs! Under table.") He also loves when you ask him questions. He'll think and think and loves when he can answer, and if he doesn't know the answer, he will go "Hmmmmmmm". I swear I can see the gears in his brain turning. He gets all his smarts from his mother.
Speaking of diggers...the child is OBSESSED with construction trucks. Diggers, Concrete Mixers, Dump Trucks, anything that's yellow or orange and bigger than a normal truck. He's been known to say "More Big Diggers!!" like fifty times a day. That is not an exaggeration.
He is such a sweet boy. He LOVES giving hugs, and when I ask him to do something, he often says "Big Hug First!" and runs over to me and gives me a big hug. He also refuses to go to bed before giving Mommy 'Tisses' on the stairs. I love watching his love of others and how friendly he is.
He also loves basketball and everything about it. He loves shooting on his little hoop, and on walks he will INSIST that we go a certain way so we can "Look for Goals!". He also loves watching games on TV, and will say "Game On! Game On!" until I find a basketball game. We have watched parts of Game 3 of the first round series between the Pacers and Atlanta about a million times, because I can't delete it off the DVR, because if we don't have a game handy at all times we are in trouble.
Finally, the night time routine is one of my favorite things ever. Its the best 45 minutes of my day.

Then we brush our teeth. Luke stands on a stool and INSISTS that I brush my teeth with him. He ends up spending most of the time eating the toothpaste that I put on there, but I love watching him watch me brush and try to mock how I'm doing it.
Next comes story time. After we brush, he RUNS into his bedroom because he's excited about reading. Lately, all he's wanted to read is his Toddler's Bible that we got him - he loves it. We even say prayers at the end where he folds his hands and squints his eyes and waits for me to pray. When I say "...in God's name we pray..." he says "Awwwwww-men!
I am so proud of this kid. He impresses me daily with all that he's learning and taking in. I can't wait to see what the next phase for him has in store. This summer we want to hit an Indians game, the zoo, and lots of other fun summer time activities, including a visit to Houston for the Fourth of July!
See below for lots of pictures from the past couple months. :)
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I love this kid so much. This is us having a blast one evening while Kara was at school. |
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No idea where he gets the goofy faces that he makes. |
Luke and Dexter are finally really getting along. Dexter puts up with antics like these, and even will give Luke kisses when he asks. :) |
We have his shot down, but are still working on footwork and the baby hook. Also, he's a terrible passer. #gottapassoutofthatpostdouble |
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Luke at Monkey Joes for his best friend Shane's birthday party. After this night, I started calling him my "Little Monkey Man". He thinks it's hilarious. |
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Thanks for the tball set Grandma!! He loves swinging the bat around, mostly at my face. |
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Easter Egg hunt!!! This was at one of our small group member's house. He had to stop between eggs, open the egg, and confirm that it did in fact have candy inside before proceeding. |
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Mommy and Luke reading a story. |
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It was a long winter. Sometimes you just have to bring the water table inside... |
Driving his "Car Box" that he made with Mommy. It has lightening on the side of the box. |
Piggy Backs are the best! |
Cookie Dough!! |
I absolutely love this picture. Thanks for taking it Uncle Joe! |
The three of us on Easter |
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