Luke's 15 Months - Fall 2013
Hello everyone! It's been a while since we've blogged, but this fall has been a really great time for us. The pics below show lots of fun activities we did as a family this fall, memories I will very much cherish. Somehow, amidst the chaos, it seems like we were able to slow things down a bit and really experience fall this year. I wish I knew how we accomplished this - as I'd love to repeat it for the seasons to come, but rather than stress on that, I'm just enjoying what I love so much about fall in Indiana - brisk mornings, colorful trees, cookouts and the smell of fires, football, and Halloween.
Luke is just amazing right now. He amazes me every day with how much he is learning and what he can do as a little guy. He is still (literally) off the height chart at 34.5 inches as a 15 month old, and also high (I think 92%) in weight. I really feel like if he had a running start, he could knock me right over. He has been a bit fussy lately, as it seems like there's always a reason (he has a cold, we kept him up too late, we took away his favorite toy, the wall is blue, someone frowned at him, etc) for him to be complaining. :) He continues to be a joy to raise and we love him so much...but I won't lie and say that there aren't frustrating days. (Kara knows this much much better than I do!)
(more, and lots of pics, after the jump)
In terms of Kara and I, we are doing really well also. Kara is rocking nursing school, and I know she is going to be the best nurse ever. She still loves it - and continues to insist on pausing Grey's Anatomy so that she can tell me what they are talking about. I love it. :) In terms of me - my favorite things about fall was that I was home! I just finished a big project in Indy that went well, and also, well, Battlefield 4 just came there's that. :) They changed how the range finder works on the sniper gun, so I have lots of work to do. Ha!
The biggest change lately for us is that we have gotten more involved in our church. Traders Point is such a great church, and we both feel so at home there, and like we are growing, and being challenged, and feeling God work in our lives. We both became members and have also started a small group with an awesome group of couples that have similar backgrounds and are in similar stages of life. It's great to have people to pray with and learn from, and to see familiar faces in such a big church. I really look forward to church every Sunday. Our pastor talks a lot about spiritual food, and I feel like I've been at the buffet lately. I love it. :)
Here are some great pics of the fun family time together we had this fall. Thanks for reading!
These are pics of us at the Mooresville - Roncalli sectional football game at Mooresville that we went to this year. We won't go into details on who won (winning isn't everything and also Mooresville got destroyed by like 40), but it was cool to see the old field and some familiar faces at the game. A lot of memories come flying back from that football field. I still remember the brutal heat and the bitter cold, and how much I grew up thanks to Coach Bless's leadership. Memories, good and bad, that helped me remember how I became who I am
This is a shot of us on our way to the park one day. I love this Colts jumpsuit. :) I also love the park.
This is Luke's new favorite activity. Of course, I'm standing right next to him just in case, but he likes to search through the bottom shelf and take out all of his plastic sippy cups and throw them on the floor. I love his innocent look here - "Who? Me?"
My favorite part of every fall day was getting home and immediately taking Luke outside to give Kara a break. We played in the back yard, threw leaves at each other, played with the basketballs, and ran around the yard while Luke giggled. As a side note, look at the size of this kids feet!
Although the sand pit is more of a summer activity, I snapped this pic on a beautiful fall day. I love how he's figuring out the sand, and how it falls through his hand. He's going to be a smart kid!
I love this kid so much. He loves it when I throw him up in the air....he giggles the whole time he's in the air, and then when I catch him, I start counting to 3...and he just gets more and more excited until he goes up again. Uncle Joe took this picture. Look at the stinking smile. :)
He is getting more and more independent every single day! He totally feeds himself now, is climbing up the stairs on his own, climbing chairs and sitting by himself, and even gets mad when we try to hold his hand crossing the street because he likes doing his own thing. I love this pic because he's in such deep thought. :)
Perhaps my favorite pic, this one is of Luke helping make chocolate chip cookies. This is funny memory for us - he absolutely loved doing it, and was so diligent about scooping the flour, and then moving it to the other bowl. Of course, being a son of mine, he also tested the limits by moving the flour the other way, and dumping it all over the table/floor/Kara's hair. Kara was so patient with me also, and talked me off of my panic ledge as I attempted to constantly clean up all the flour that was everywhere.
Finally, we have the Halloween shot - look at my little Lion!! He wasn't quite sure about Halloween yet. We went around the neighborhood with the neighbors and trick or treated. There were lots of older kids, but Luke was still a little nervous to walk up to the doors. He did, however, very much enjoy the orange sucker that Kara gave him, until he palmed the sugary wet sticky end and couldn't get it unstuck from his hand. P.A.N.I.C. :)
That's all for now!
Luke is just amazing right now. He amazes me every day with how much he is learning and what he can do as a little guy. He is still (literally) off the height chart at 34.5 inches as a 15 month old, and also high (I think 92%) in weight. I really feel like if he had a running start, he could knock me right over. He has been a bit fussy lately, as it seems like there's always a reason (he has a cold, we kept him up too late, we took away his favorite toy, the wall is blue, someone frowned at him, etc) for him to be complaining. :) He continues to be a joy to raise and we love him so much...but I won't lie and say that there aren't frustrating days. (Kara knows this much much better than I do!)
(more, and lots of pics, after the jump)
In terms of Kara and I, we are doing really well also. Kara is rocking nursing school, and I know she is going to be the best nurse ever. She still loves it - and continues to insist on pausing Grey's Anatomy so that she can tell me what they are talking about. I love it. :) In terms of me - my favorite things about fall was that I was home! I just finished a big project in Indy that went well, and also, well, Battlefield 4 just came there's that. :) They changed how the range finder works on the sniper gun, so I have lots of work to do. Ha!
The biggest change lately for us is that we have gotten more involved in our church. Traders Point is such a great church, and we both feel so at home there, and like we are growing, and being challenged, and feeling God work in our lives. We both became members and have also started a small group with an awesome group of couples that have similar backgrounds and are in similar stages of life. It's great to have people to pray with and learn from, and to see familiar faces in such a big church. I really look forward to church every Sunday. Our pastor talks a lot about spiritual food, and I feel like I've been at the buffet lately. I love it. :)
Here are some great pics of the fun family time together we had this fall. Thanks for reading!
These are pics of us at the Mooresville - Roncalli sectional football game at Mooresville that we went to this year. We won't go into details on who won (winning isn't everything and also Mooresville got destroyed by like 40), but it was cool to see the old field and some familiar faces at the game. A lot of memories come flying back from that football field. I still remember the brutal heat and the bitter cold, and how much I grew up thanks to Coach Bless's leadership. Memories, good and bad, that helped me remember how I became who I am
This is a shot of us on our way to the park one day. I love this Colts jumpsuit. :) I also love the park.
This is Luke's new favorite activity. Of course, I'm standing right next to him just in case, but he likes to search through the bottom shelf and take out all of his plastic sippy cups and throw them on the floor. I love his innocent look here - "Who? Me?"
This is after Luke's first art project, in which he painted a pumpkin for Halloween with Kara. It was proudly displayed in our kitchen for the season. However, as you can see, Luke's favorite part of the activity was painting his face, and then bath time afterwards.
My favorite part of every fall day was getting home and immediately taking Luke outside to give Kara a break. We played in the back yard, threw leaves at each other, played with the basketballs, and ran around the yard while Luke giggled. As a side note, look at the size of this kids feet!
Although the sand pit is more of a summer activity, I snapped this pic on a beautiful fall day. I love how he's figuring out the sand, and how it falls through his hand. He's going to be a smart kid!
I love this kid so much. He loves it when I throw him up in the air....he giggles the whole time he's in the air, and then when I catch him, I start counting to 3...and he just gets more and more excited until he goes up again. Uncle Joe took this picture. Look at the stinking smile. :)
He is getting more and more independent every single day! He totally feeds himself now, is climbing up the stairs on his own, climbing chairs and sitting by himself, and even gets mad when we try to hold his hand crossing the street because he likes doing his own thing. I love this pic because he's in such deep thought. :)
Perhaps my favorite pic, this one is of Luke helping make chocolate chip cookies. This is funny memory for us - he absolutely loved doing it, and was so diligent about scooping the flour, and then moving it to the other bowl. Of course, being a son of mine, he also tested the limits by moving the flour the other way, and dumping it all over the table/floor/Kara's hair. Kara was so patient with me also, and talked me off of my panic ledge as I attempted to constantly clean up all the flour that was everywhere.
Finally, we have the Halloween shot - look at my little Lion!! He wasn't quite sure about Halloween yet. We went around the neighborhood with the neighbors and trick or treated. There were lots of older kids, but Luke was still a little nervous to walk up to the doors. He did, however, very much enjoy the orange sucker that Kara gave him, until he palmed the sugary wet sticky end and couldn't get it unstuck from his hand. P.A.N.I.C. :)
That's all for now!
Love reading these - keep them coming!!