Eli = 11 months
Sweet bubba, you are 11 months old. You are starting to stand for a few seconds on your own, and walk when someone is holding your hands. You are still very chatty, and you love to shriek to hear your own voice. You have been saying mamamamaMAMAMA when you need me, and dada, and da (we think for dog/Dexter).
You are so smiley and charming, and I think we have neglected to mention thus far, you love to hum constantly when you eat. Daddy hates it, I think it's funny. Always, always always if you're eating you're humming.
You are starting to use your two handled sippy cup more and more because we have started some milk to get you used to it as we wean you off of your bottles. We have taken away your lunch bottle so far, and you have done great with just solid food for lunch!
You are not the best napper my friend, Luke will STILL take 3 hour naps, but you are usually maxed out at about an hour and a half. This is no good for mommy's sleep before work.
PT is going well, and we are thinking about going to every other week for you! You and Luke are starting to be able to play together and enjoy each other since you are getting big enough to hold your own when he starts to wrestle with you! You are wearing 24 month/2T clothes are our little linebacker man!
We love you so much Eli!! One month until we have two toddlers!
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