We were so blessed to celebrate Easter at our house again this year. Kara was able to get the day off of work, and members of our family joined us for Easter Church Services at Traders Point in the morning. The sermon was fantastic, and focused on the hope that Jesus Christ can give us. It was an inspirational service, and I loved being able to celebrate it as a family.
After church, both Kara and I's families came over to our house for an Easter Egg Hunt and a big meal. We missed the out-of-towners (Joe and Hannah and Kristy and Jason), but we had an awesome time. The weather was beautiful (70 and sunny) and we played and chatted outside all day. The Easter Egg hunt was so much fun, and both of our boys and Aiden and Alicia had a blast. The big kids did a great job helping the little ones, and were even kind enough to re-hide some eggs for them to keep the fun going.
We also had a fantastic meal, and I got the opportunity to pray over my family, which is something I really cherish and enjoy.
Feeling thankful and fulfilled and lucky this Easter. Enjoy the pictures below!
The four of us at church. |
Grandma and Aiden. |
Loved watching the family play basketball together. Luke is obsessed with basketball right now, and asks to shoot every single day, even when it's raining. No idea where he got that from. |
Luke took this picture. Love you Juls!! |
The boys during their Easter Egg hunt. |
I found one!! |
The onlookers. Watching all these people I love have an Easter Egg hunt made my heart so full. |
Mommy is helping Luke find some eggs. He has a blast this year! (Previous years he's been a bit tentative, but this year it was a race!) |
More onlookers. |
Papa and Eli. Eli was SHOCKED that there was an Egg in the mailbox! |
Found one!! :) |
Aiden building things. Maybe we have a secret engineer? |
The infamous bunny cake. Two generations and still going strong. |
The kiddos like cake. |
Luke being his typical silly self. He thought this was so incredibly funny. |
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