Luke = 4
I'm really not sure how this happened. Our oldest boy is now FOUR. FOUR. Unbelievable. Dave was out of town on Luke's actual birthday, so we just celebrated with some birthday pancakes, bacon and candles and spent the morning swimming with friends :)
We had pizza, balloons and fun with Papa and Uncle Evan that night, and got to talk to all the grandparents and Uncle Joe and Aunt Hannie on the phone!
We had his actual party on July 30th, a water/Spiderman theme :) We had a brunch meal, played inside and out, opened gifts and had a fantastic time with family, friends and neighbors!
I was blown away, as I am every year, at the generosity, love and support from our family and friends. You guys are so wonderful, always show up for us and love us so well. People came in on already busy days, in from out of town, and gave up the rest of your Saturday to spend the day with us! We, and these kiddos are SO lucky and blessed by God to have all of you in our lives.
Luke was completely spoiled with all kinds of amazing gifts: shoes, games, trucks, skateboards, a bike, legos, books, and costumes. Unbelievable :)
We had a wonderful time celebrating our sweet boy. We also got to the cake the day after that party. A spiderman cake was requested, and though it was not my best work, it turned out ok :) We were able to sing and eat cake with the Bednarko's on their way back to Chicago!
Luke, you are such a wonderful kid. Goofy, loving, sweet and curious. You LOVE your brother, telling him how it needs to be done, tackling him and comforting him.
You are so excited to start school again, and we are so proud of your excitement! You love to snuggle, watch movies, eat popcorn, avoid naps, wear handsome clothes and scooter/skateboard and ride your new bike.
You love to swim, open all the doors on the van, take showers like a big boy, do EVERYTHING possible for yourself, fill up your own cups of water from the fridge, chew gum, and play in the hose in the backyard.
We adore you sweet boy and can't wait to see what this year brings you!
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