Is there any doubt that Fall is an amazing time of the year? Kara and I both love the Fall, and love the opportunity to enjoy the cooler weather and the changing leaves. The simple fact is that around our house, there's nothing better than sitting around a fire pit with a sweatshirt on drinking apple cider.
This year, we celebrated fall by taking a trip to Brown County with the McGriffs for the Columbus Day weekend. We spent two days relaxing in a cabin off the beaten path, enjoying the beautiful countryside and just a little bit of space in our busy lives. We had spectacular weather, with sunny days to walk around Nashville, and cool nights enjoying a fire in the fireplace and a hot tub on the back deck.
The trip was great for so many reasons, not the least of which was watching our kids play together. Luke, Eli, and Grace had such a great time playing, interacting, watching movies together, exploring the woods around us, and enjoying treats like ice cream and pizza in Nashville. Also, the late nights of adult time, talking about our lives, our aspirations, our faith, and our wild and crazy history wasn't too shabby either. I really cherish the friendship that we have with Megan and Ian.
My personal favorite part of the trip to Brown County was on Saturday when both families sat around the kitchen table of the cabin and worked on a puzzle for a few hours. That may not sound amazing, but being able to sit down at a table with no immediate requirements, no task list, and no backlog of chores was just amazing.
On Sunday, we sadly said goodbye to our cabin and headed to Columbus to go to church with the McGriffs. We really enjoyed being a guest at The Ridge in Columbus - if you're in that area, I strongly suggest it! It was a challenging message with a perfect topic - how your everyday "secular" job honors Jesus.
As if the weekend could get any more amazing, we spent Monday (Columbus Day) doing one of my other favorite fall activities. We headed to Mooresville for an Anderson Orchard/Grays Cafeteria double feature. The boys and Dexter had a great time at the orchard, picking apples selecting pumpkins, and playing on the hay bales. Luke especially loved climbing the trees and grabbing apples from Eli without asking. :)
We have a tendency to let life happen to us because life is so hectic with young kids and two adults that work full time. This fall, we are trying to be really intentional, and plan some of the events that we love so much, and so far (at least for this particular weekend), it really paid off.
Hope you enjoyed, and that your family is having a great fall season! Tons of pictures below to check out.
God Bless!
Mid-morning ice cream? Sure. Anything goes on vacation. |
Love watching this dude be a Dad. He inspires me to be a better
man and a better leader for my family. |
Time to be silly!! |
Here's a (not great) shot of the living room of the cabin. It was an absolutely beautiful place.
If you're looking for a spot in Brown County, let me know! |
Can not handle this. These kiddos make life so much more fulfilling. |
Another beautiful morning - the day we left the cabin to head for Columbus. |
Off to the orchard! The Luke/Daddy combo can reach all
the high apples on the tall trees. |
Mommy's favorite - apple cider slushies were delicious until we got
attacked by bees and had to flee. |
Love this family so much. |
Everybody in the van!! Time to drive back and pick apples. |
Look at those apple trees!! Apples for days! |
Time to climb trees. |
Sweetest kid ever. |
Climbing trees is the absolute best! |
Taste tester. |
Grandma joined us for the |
Little dudes picking apples together. |
Luke showing off our newly decorated front porch, all with things from Anderson Orchard in Mooresville. |
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