Eli = 3
We had family and new friends from our life group and neighbors join in the fun and it was a great morning! The kids all ran around Chuck E Cheese like crazy people for a few hours playing games, riding the little rides, and having fun putting their tickets into the machine to count and cash them out.
We had pizza for lunch, drinks and then cake! Eli did NOT want a visit from the mouse himself. No way. He got lots of great, funny new books that have become some of our favorites, magnets, and some amazing batman stuff from his favorite buddy Hayden.
It was so fun to see Eli in his element, as the star of the show and watch his sweet heart have such a great time with the little friends he has made. I tell you what, Chuck E Cheese is the stuff pure joy is made of!
Sweet Eli, I cannot believe that you are 3 (free as you like to say). You have the biggest smile, greatest blue eyes and the biggest heart. You are very peceptive to how people are feeling, love to snuggle up and make people smile, and are a joy to be around. You are always, always, always eating and love to watch shows. Maybe you’ll grow up to be in film like your Uncle Joe someday. You love looking at books where you find things, and you are QUICK, you like to answer and repeat questions in the shows you watch, and you are really starting to show your intelligence! You are really getting into coloring and working puzzles and we cannot wait to watch you grow and learn this year! We’re looking forward to your first year of school and swimming lessons since now you are 3 :)
We love you Nino!
Eli's 3 Year Old Stats:
Height: 41", 99th percentile
Weight: 37 lbs, 6.4 oz, 92nd percentile
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