Sydney = 8 months
Happy first Thanksgiving baby girl! This was a big month as well! Uncle Joe and Aunt Hannie came home for Thanksgiving at Grammy's house, you cut your first tooth (bottom left), and you are getting more and more on the move! Army crawling, booty up in the air and rocking back and forth. You are starting to clap and wave with a cupped hand, princess already!
This month was also your first basketball game of Daddy's and you LOVED it. Clapping the whole time and watching the boys run up and down. You also LOVED Mrs. Cox and her jewelry and always wanted to sit with her.
Month 8 was also Dull's Christmas Tree Farm and your first tree finding experience AND you met Santa for the first time!
And on the downside, it was also your first big sickness! A 3 day bout with croup had you and mommy sleeping sitting up on the couch for 3 nights, a big dose of steroid in the Dr. office and breathing treatments that you hated.
But onward and upward to month 9 sweet girl!
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