Sydney = 9 months
Oh sweet baby girl, how are you 9 months already?! What a fun, fun month this was! This was your first Christmas! And first New Years! And first Butler game!
You are so busy lately, crawling like crazy, pulling up once or twice, doing down dog yoga moves, clapping, waving, trying to be everywhere your brothers are. You are so busy during the day, and sleeping so well at night! You are still eating 4 bottles of formula and 3 meals a day. Some faves are small bites of crackers, little pieces of fruit and veggies, avocado, toast, among other things :)
You are babble talking a ton, laughing, shrieking, making all the noises! You also say dadadadada all the time, and like to make rasberry noises. You love bath time, running errands with mama and generally being anywhere you can look at things!
You are wearing 18 - 24 month clothes and size 4 diaps! That a girl :) We love you Sydney Rose!
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