Luke Right Now.
I'm not sure how I want to continue posting as Luke grows up, since clearly I ran out of steam on the monthly posts towards the end of his first year. The thing is, I could write a blog every day, he changes so much and so fast.
Right now his personality is coming out BIG TIME. He is making a new mad face where he furrows his brow and frowns, and could not look more like his dad. He also likes to do somewhat of a headstand, putting his head on the ground and looking back through his legs. He loves to climb up and down ledges, and walk over thresholds and back for hours. He loves to explore the backyard, by himself, where his latest discovery is the rack we keep our firewood in. He loves cars (vroom vrooms), especially trucks, and then loves bigger trucks even more. He loves his push car that he can ride in and steer (thank you Lee's). He says "uh-oh", "woof woof", "mum mum", "da da", "up", "wah wah", "bah bah" and a few other ramblings that have sounded like "down" and "night night" and "bye bye".
He charms everyone he meets and has a smile on his face most of the day. He's a wonderful sleeper, sleeping 12 hours at night and 3 during the afternoon. He is a good eater too, usually. He's beginning to like more and more fruits (bananas and blueberries are his favorites), he loves yogurt (Greek and regular), turkey and chicken dogs, any squeezable pouch, toast, peanut butter, cheese and crackers of any variety (Ritz, graham, saltine). He can show you where his head, belly and feet are and has a giggle that can just make you melt.
He is a true and beautiful joy in our lives. We are so lucky to have been given the gift of this life by God, to care for and steward and love here on earth. I pray every day that his life may be filled with happiness and joy, and that he may have a heart open to the Lord. I pray for Dave and I to continue to mature and journey into the parents God intends for us to be, and to guide Luke through a Christian life in the best way we can.
This first year was a challenging and wonderful journey and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for our sweet, sweet son.
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