Eli = 1 Month

My goal for sweet Eli is to do the same sort of thing I did for Luke, a monthly post with size stats and updates on development and personality, but I can already tell I'm going to be constantly trying to keep up.  This first month has FLOWN by at an unbelievable pace and I know it will only seem to go faster!

We didn't have a doctor's appointment exactly at Eli's 1 month mark.  He hadn't quite hit his birth weight at the 2 week follow up (he was 9 lbs 14 oz), so we had to come back in at 3 weeks.  So, his height and weight are from that appointment as our next one was scheduled at almost 6 weeks, to check in on him between 1 and 2 months. He's wearing a lot of 6 month clothes and has some chunky thighs on him!  We think he may be our football player.

Weight: 10 lbs 10 oz
Length: 23" 

(By 5.5 weeks he was 12 lbs 1 oz)

This little boy is the sweetest.  After some initial issues with breastfeeding (he would get too tired to nurse a full feeding) he is now great at it, great at taking a bottle and really could care less if he gets formula or breastmilk.  Hallelujah.  He doesn't spit up really at all and has no reflux issues to date, which makes feeding a breeze!

He is also really great at going back to sleep after his nighttime feeding, his last feeding is anywhere from 10:30 to 11:30 and he will sleep until 3 or 4 most nights, and then sleep again until 6:30 or 7:00.  But what's great is that he doesn't have the night/day confusion.  He'll go right back down after he eats in the middle of the night which makes it much easier on me!  And like Dave mentioned in an earlier post, since we started doing bottles right away, it has been much easier on me to be able to take a nap or skip a feeding if I want, which means I feel much more rested and sane!

Honestly, I enjoy the middle of the night feeding most nights because it is so quite and peaceful and gives me some along snuggle time with Eli!  We have been doing lots of tummy time and time under the play mat already, as well as time looking out the back windows in the boppy and naps in the bouncy seat.  He also had his first baths (sponge and regular) and despite the sponge bath pictures, he really loves the warm water and bath time.

I love snuggling him in his cozy pj's and Dave and I love the few hours at night getting to know him after Luke is in bed.  He likes to watch our shows with us and get some naps in :)

The only thing we are working on is his tracking with his eyes, he will lock in and focus on lights, fans and even faces etc. but he is not great at tracking objects back and forth or up and down.  Our pediatrician wants us to just practice with him once a day or so, but I'm sure he'll catch on soon!

It has honestly been so great having both boys at home.  The first month certainly brought some adjustment issues with Luke and his desire for attention, but as of about 4 weeks in, things are really balancing out and our sweet, loving two year old is back.  Eli has only gotten hit in the head once or twice, so I really consider that a success.

Happy one month baby boy!


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