Eli = 9 Months

You are a charmer my sweet friend.  So gentle and loving and sweet.  You have started making more sounds - I think I have heard "ma ma" a few times.  You love to babble and chat and smile.

Ah Eli.  Nine months it is - how are you already three quarters of a year old??  This time last year you and I were graduating nursing school and studying for the boards - my how much has changed.

Height - 29.75" (94th Percentile)
Weight - 23 lbs 7 oz (95th Percentile)
Head Circumference - 46.5 cm (88th Percentile)

At your checkup this month, Dr. Pedersen was a little concerned that you were not doing too much crawling or pulling up yet - but I reassured her it was just due to your laid back personality (and big thighs..those are hard to move around :)

We are going to start First Steps this month for your torticollis (your head tilts to the left a little bit) and they will work on crawling and everything like that too!

You are starting to eat more solid foods, but still 4 bottles a day and chunky baby food, fruits, veggies and protein.  You love graham crackers - Daddy hates them because they get everywhere and are a fan of any fruit we have tried. We need to work on more veggies - orange veggies of any kind are still your favorite.  You LOVE your big brother and love to giggle and are starting to play more with him.  He loves to lay down and say "Eli get me!" and you will bend over and pat your hands on his back.  So sweet.

You are starting to get more interesting to Dexter, who will lick your face occasionally - you are not a huge fan of that.

You are currently sleeping in the laundry room in your pack and play - we can't figure out how to get you and Luke to sleep together successfully!  We'll give it some more time - you're sleeping great in there for the time being!

We love you so much little boy, it has been a joy watching your personality grow!


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