Summer 2016 - June
This summer has been wonderfully amazing (for the most part) and I want to start documenting how these lazy, hot days have been with my two boys at home to remember when they are not! I cannot believe it's almost July already. So, here without further ado, is a recap of June.

The boys have had slumber parties at both Grandma and Grammy's houses, and caught fire flies, run through sprinklers, and swam in Grandma's pool.
The boys are almost 4 and almost 2 and it has been so much fun to take them places this summer as they can both participate in most things! We have been to plenty of parks (Mulberry Field's splash pad being our favorite this year), to Flip Zone and Hummel Park in Plainfield with Bowen and Noah, the Children's Museum, Trader's Point Creamery to see the moo's and indoor at the top top (The Park) at Trader's Point.

We had a surprise 60th birthday party for Papa Bill so we got to see Uncle Joe and Aunt Hannie for a couple days, and spend some amazing family time together.

The boys have had slumber parties at both Grandma and Grammy's houses, and caught fire flies, run through sprinklers, and swam in Grandma's pool.
We also took our first family trip this month (that didn't involve travel to see family out of town) spending two nights in a hotel and visiting Holiday World in Southern Indiana. The boys had a blast in the water park, but almost as much fun in the pool at the hotel. It was a long drive, but beautiful and relatively scream free :)

Luke is also taking swim lessons at Zionsville High School this week, and I have been so impressed with the staff there! His first day was rough to say the least, but they were patient, kind and let him stay a little later than his lesson time once he got in the water. Such a great experience there so far!!
We have gone on some long walks, stayed up late, eaten lots of ice cream and had lots of popcorn movie nights. We have a lot of fun plans for the rest of the summer and are really looking forward to Mommy not working all the weekends any more!! One more and then I am off for THREE! I'm not going to know what to do with myself :)

Let's keep it real here - though this summer has been great, it has had it's challenges as well! With tantrums and defiant threenagers to Mr. I want to do it all myself right now Eli, the boys have given our patience a run for our money! I pray daily for patience and grace and scream into pillows a lot ;) Happy summer everyone!! Choose to see the good over the bad, and work to be a little better every day!!
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