Luke = 5

Our sweet Luke turned 5 this year on July 20. He requested a spiderman themed party (for the 2nd year in a row) and we decided to have a brunch birthday party at our house, complete with eggs, bacon, potatoes, fruit and mimosas (for the grown ups). This was our first birthday party in our new house, and it was great. We were joined by neighbors old and new, friends and family. The kids ran around outside and played on the playhouse, the grownups sat, and talked and ate.
We opened Luke’s gifts on the deck and he was, as usual, blessed by all the wonderful people in our lives. He got a very cool bow and arrow that shoots incredibly high, a driveable ninja turtle, new spiderman shoes, and as his last gift, a John Deere Gator power wheel from Dave and I and his grandparents! He and Eli immediately jumped in and started driving around the yard. They took turns with the other kiddos, and we only lost one, Grace, out the back tailgate. They soon figured out they could drive the gator all around the back yard and through our woods which added even more adventure.

We had such a great morning celebrating our biggest boy!
Eli had enough, Grandma's lap was too comfy :)
You are such a special kid. The things you love you love fiercely, basketball, school, your brother, camping. We are so proud of your adventurous spirit, loving heart and sly sense of humor. You are growing into such a handsome boy, with a huge grin to match your big heart. We love watching you grow and can’t wait to see what this year brings you!
Luke's 5 Year Old Stats:
Height: 48", 99th percentile
Weight: 53 lbs, 6.4 oz, 97th percentile
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