Sydney = 2
Oh my sweet Sydney girl, how in the world are you two?! It just can't be. You are the light of this family and we are so unbelievably glad you are ours. You turned 2 during a pandemic! Hopefully something that won't be repeated. So, we started the day with unlimited bacon and pancakes and a unicorn headband, had spaghetti for dinner (your favorite from what we can ascertain by how much you eat :), zoom called our family for everyone to sing Happy Birthday to you, had a wana (Moana) cake and opened some gifts!
You are SO fun right now sissy. You speak in full sentences, observe everything around you, and have a killer sense of humor. You are a momma's girl, but LOVE your gaga, have started procrastinating like a champ before nap and bedtime, want to do everything "SELF" and adore slash boss around your brothers.
You could tell a whole story with your eyes, and your facial expressions never cease to make me laugh. You love Wana, Frozen 2 (FroZAN 2), and occasionally Onward (ahward). You love to scooter, jump and run and get kissers from the new puppies.
We are so proud of you baby girl!! Happy Birthday!!
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