Babywise Day 2: Sweet Baby Luke Sleeps Through the Night

AHHHHHHHHH.  Luke slept 8 solid hours last night.  We put him down at 11 and I woke him up at seven to eat.  AMAZING.  The transition was so easy that I think he probably could have been sleeping through the night for a week or two if we had started this schedule earlier.  Oh well, live and learn.  All future Yar babies will be on the full Babywise schedule from day 1 for sure (see last post for Babywise details). 

Now, I on the other hand woke up at 5 and couldn't go back to sleep.  I think my body was confused at that amount of rest at one time.  I haven't slept 6 hours straight since maybe April??  The whole last three months or so of my pregnancy I was getting up after about 4 hours of sleep, going to the bathroom, and then repeating that process every hour or so after. Let's hope I can adjust as quickly as Luke did!

So happy Friday everyone from your well-rested, very excited friend!!


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