Luke's First Flight

Little Guy.  Big Airport
Before Luke was even born, Kara and I took a leap of faith and bought plane tickets to Houston to go visit Jason and Kristy when he was about 8 weeks old.  It was really the only weekend that worked for us, and Southwest had a huge sale so we couldn't resist.

While we were so excited to go visit and spend a relaxing weekend in Houston hanging out, Kara and I both were considerably worried about how the plane would go.  (I'll be honest, she was slightly more concerned.  :)   We knew that it would be worth it, and so because we are both crazy, we spent night after night reading Southwest travel blogs, calling the airline, reading safety tips from the car seat manufacturer with regards to airplanes, and talking to everyone we know about travelling with a baby.

As we have found out with many things in our life recently, the worry was much worse than the event itself.  Luke was such a trooper!! He didn't cry at all because of his ears popping (I think this is the thing we built up in our heads the most - and it didn't bother him at ALL).  We either fed him or gave him his pacifier on the way up and the way down, or let him sleep if he was already asleep.  We had layovers both ways, and he did just awesome, charming all the passengers, and only fussing for a few minutes between flights while we were on the ground and there were barely any passengers.  In fact, I only had to change into my emergency barf outfit once while on the plane.  Very impressive little guy!!  (Side Note:  Are you KIDDING me with the size of that airplane bathroom?)

BUT, I am so glad we went.  We had a great time in Houston, enjoying the last few days of pool action for the summer, hanging out with Bowen, meeting Jason and Kristy's neighbors (who were really nice, even though they are Texans fans...), and watching football.  All in all it was a great weekend - Time with Jason and Kristy is few and far between, so we definitely cherish it when we get it.  Below are some pics from our visit!  I love these many great ones.  We are already looking for tickets to go back.  :)

Walk time! 


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