Halloween 2014
This Halloween Dave and I were the lucky parents of a black cat and a caterpillar. We had been asking Luke for weeks what he wanted to be for Halloween with no response, so we were planning a Bob the Builder costume. However, about a week before Halloween, Luke responded to my question about what he wanted to be with "a cat". I said "what color cat?" and he said "black". So it was decided, much to Dave's chagrin, that Luke would be a black cat. Eli got a lovely, warm hand me down costume from our neighbor and thus was a caterpillar.
Sweet caterpillar - Eli, almost 2 months!
Cat attack!
Daddy and Luke before Trick or Treating!
Mommy and Eli!
We spent the evening having chili and great conversation with our neighbors while the kids played. They headed out for a few houses (I stayed behind with Eli) but it was freezing, windy and raining, so Luke hit about 8 houses on our street and then returned to play by the fire! Some of the older kids made it a while longer but Luke/Dave were done for.
Here a few pictures of the evening. Dave was a murse (and yes, those are in fact my work scrubs) and I was a housewife.
Happy Halloween!
Sweet caterpillar - Eli, almost 2 months!
Cat attack!
Daddy and Luke before Trick or Treating!
Mommy and Eli!
Annalise, Eliza, top of Maura's head, Luke, Ava, Matthew, Kellen and Sam!
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