Eli = 10 months

This was a big month for you mister Eli.  We had your First Steps evaluation for your torticollis and they affirmed that you were a little behind in other physical things as well (crawling, pulling up, etc.).  However, by the time Katie, our sweet physical therapist started working with you two weeks later, you were crawling all over the place, pulling up on things and really much closer to where you should be.  You just like to do things in your own time we're seeing.  PT has been good for you and we are so glad we're working your little neck into where it should be!

You have been going with me and Luke to his gymnastics classes this month, and you LOVE to sit in your carseat and watch for a while, and then, when you are over that, you love to crawl around and play on the big mats.

We visited Aunt Kristy, Uncle Jason, Bowen and Noah this month for the fourth, and saw all sorts of things Noah was eating that helped us move your diet along as well!  You started eating peanut butter, toast, more different fruits, cheese pieces, and all sorts of yummy things.

You are still sleeping in the laundry room and loving it my man.  Certainly not ideal, but seems to be working for you!!  We love you our little one.


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